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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Probiotic for Adult vs Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease  is a chronic syndrome of inflammation of the colon and small intestine. Mainly classified into two types: Crohn?S disease and ulcerative colitis, which is the difference between the two is based on the area that have inflammation. Crohn?S disease is an inflammation of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth through the anus. Although the majority of patients will experience inflammation of the small intestine, the ileum, in contrast, ulcerative colitis is restricted to the colon and anal only.
Patients who have abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, mixed with the stool, weight loss, with symptoms similar to patients with arthritis (Arthritis), a disease that causes tissue to become dead tissue (Pyoderma gangrenosum) and chronic liver disease, which is caused by the inflammation and ulceration of the bile ducts of the liver (Primary sclerosing chlolangitis). Diagnostic are commonly use the laparoscopy and biopsy for histopathological lesions.

Based on the level of violence Patients who suffer from IBD require immunosuppressive drugs to control symptoms such as steroid. At present it is used most often as a Biological injections. For patients with severe symptoms. InnoTrans some may require surgery, such as some part of intestinal surgery. Usually, treatment is started with anti-inflammatory drugs such as prednisone. When we can control the inflammation. We will use a medicine that is anti-inflammatory less just to control the symptoms of the disease.

At present it is discovered that probiotic reduces inflammation of the intestine. By conditioning the immune intestinal mucosa secrete toxins out less. It also helps reduce the amount of bacteria in the intestine, which causes inflammation. Reduce inflammation as well.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Probiotic for Adult vs Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea

The disease is found sporadically in practice and has vary disease severity. The normal body can found that the bacteria residing in the gut. This is a particular microbe. These bacteria live in the intestine without causing any way. Some also allows certain functions to another. However sometimes you may experience progression of the infection that caused the disease. The severity of the disease to some extent may vary. In most cases, the progression of the disease does not cause symptoms. Because the normal body mechanisms to control microorganisms are endemic to excessive growth.
However, when taking antibiotics, Your body changes because of antibiotics bacterium is endemic to destroy microorganisms in the gut. Antibiotics destroy the a large number of bacteria and causing upset the balance of microbes in the gut. Most of the results will be just a little. Patients with diarrhea and the diarrhea disappear after stopping the antibiotics shortly. But there are sometimes when antibiotics destroy the bacteria too much. The bacteria strains that cause certain diseases spread by dividing and the body cannot control.
The type of bacteria called Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) can thrive in the intestine. This bacteria crate substance destroys the intestinal wall and bowel inflammation. Intestinal inflammation called colitis and diarrhea can occur instantaneously. Patients with abdominal pain, low degree fever and diarrhea until patients body may fall into the lack of water and minerals. In some cases, the bacteria causing the disease make two find of major complication. First is called placenta pseudomembranous colitis caused by an inflammation of the membrane of the intestinal wall. Second can cause intestinal perforation, which can be very dangerous.
In normal, C. difficile bacteria live in the intestines. 5 percent can be found in the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. In hospitals and elderly, the infection may spread from one patient to others. The bacterial infection called C. difficile caused by not washing hands carefully, bathroom usage or infection via feces or toilet pan. Patients hospitalized with the virus are found in the gut about 20 percent. When treated with antibiotics, can find the spread of C. difficile infection. Antibiotics were found to be the cause are Clindamycin (Cleocin), Ampicillin, Cephalosporins and especially Cephalexin (Keflex).

Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea patients can be divided into two groups. The first group has mild symptoms. And a second group has critical symptoms.
If the symptoms are not severe. Keeping the same general principles treatment as diarrhea, replacement water and minerals in the body that is lost in feces. You may consider using ORS. Consider giving intravenous fluids if there is any indication. In the first few days, patients should avoid starchy foods and dairy products including foods with plenty of fiber. Use of drug for Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea patients must be carefully. Due to sometimes caused more harm than good. The reason is that the body can not get rid of the bacteria C. difficile, as well as toxins that crated by bacteria C. difficile with the feces.

There is evidence in several research studies have found that the use of probiotic in combination with antibiotics. To prevent Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Probiotic for Adult VS Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a bowel movement into a liquid mixed with water. Children defecate into the water 6-8 times a day, it means that the diarrhea. But sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether or not the baby has diarrhea. Because a child's stool will look normal liquid. If children defecate more often than usual. The suspect may have diarrhea. The definition of the World Health Organization for diarrhea or acute diarrhea refers to defecate as liquid or water rather than the usual three or watery one time or has a bloody stool in the first. This is the case as diarrhea. It is to be treated properly. However, the definition of diarrhea, as indicated by the number of defecation may vary from this in some patients. Depending on the nature and frequency of bowel movements in a normal individual. Children who are breastfed may defecate frequently liquid, which is considered normal. But if a lot of water and defecate frequent than ever that the definition is diarrhea. The appearance that feces there will be plenty of water and is more commonly available components. So, The most worry when we have diarrhea is the body lacks water and minerals.

Diarrhea is divided into three categories
The first type is diarrhea due to poisoning from bacteria.
The second type is diarrhea due to infection.
The last type of diarrhea, including diarrhea, which is not commonly associated with infection by bacteria or toxins.

If diarrhea due to poisoning from bacteria. Usually caused by eating food contaminated with the toxin from the bacteria. Patients often have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after eating about 2-4 hours that have already eaten soon. But usually no fever for diarrhea due to infection that patients have nausea, vomiting or fever with diarrhea, which is a characteristic of the stool from diarrhea is generally taken as mucus or bloody mucus. Some stools are like washing rice and take a shot. Some may take the unusual smell like stink like rotten shrimp heads, etc. But if you are just watery diarrhea. No symptoms of diarrhea, as discussed in the first two categories, it will be normal diarrhea.

Diarrhea in infants and older children may have been caused by rotavirus infection (Rotavirus) that causes diarrhea in children. Diarrhea is caused by a virus. May be caused by the flu. Later moving into the gastrointestinal tract it is cold in the stomach and intestine. This makes the work of the digestive system can not digest food as normal. Therefore vomiting and diarrhea.

In the first 4-6 hours may purchase ORS products from drug stores to try to eat before. Or it can be prepared at home. Use 2 tablespoons of sugar, 12 teaspoons salt refill water bottles, one round of treatment is important and necessary to get water and mineral replacement. During diarrhea should eat soft or liquid foods such as rice porridge and should not stop to eat because it makes the body fatigue and weakness.

If there are a little diarrhea, after drinking ORS water, then the patient will feel better. If cannot drink ORS and still have a high fever, vomiting thick crown dent. In children with sunken eyes, wheezing less urine because severe dehydration. We should take the kids to the doctor as soon as possible. Because patients may shock and death. The drugs for stop defecate such as diphenoxylate, loperamide is only available for common diarrhea. Do not use in patients with suspected diarrhea due to infection or poisoning from bacteria. The drug help intestinal peristalsis and less frequency of defecation. Patients may think fared better but the fact that infection from bacteria or toxins in the body longer, thus making slow recovery from diarrhea. So if you suspect an infection, diarrhea, infection or poisoning. Ask your doctor or pharmacist in order to receive antibiotics or medicines to absorb the toxins.

If small children or the elderly has the diarrhea and has initial treatment but the symptoms do not improve. Should go to see a doctor immediately and if the patient is still conscious should drink ORS water on the way to prevent the occurrence of severe dehydration and may be fatal. Should not drink water containing juice or a sweet drink. It will make the diarrhea worse.

The recommended dietary intake should be a mixture of boiled beans, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, whole grains, bananas or boiled. Introduces children to consume smaller meals is better than a big meal.

Probiotic found to play a role in the treatment of diarrhea. You can reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea caused by food poisoning and very good results in diarrhea caused by rotavirus. Moreover probiotic can also help prevent and treat diarrhea in travelers (travelers diarrhea) as well.

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Probiotic for Adult VS Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS is a gastrointestinal syndrome that we have a litttle understanding. But we know that it is IBS is a chronic disorder that can be treated. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating and unusual bowel movement. Some people have chronic diarrhea, some people have chronic constipation and some have two symtoms. It may be several weeks before constipation alternating with diarrhea for 2-3 days, some people have a bowel movement without end or fecal incontinence is rare. Some people have a stomach ache in the afternoon in spite of feeling good in the morning,. Some pain for several days, then suddenly upset stomach all day. This means that people with IBS, each with a unique pattern of symptoms. For some people, the symptoms may not be severe but little nuisance. But for some people, it may be a big deal because when it comes to severe stomach pains. Some may have to sit in the toilet and can not go into society becuase they fear can not control excretion.
1 in 5 of the American people have this disease. Often in women and often when older than 20 years.

Diarrhea occurs when patients receive antibiotics. Because of changes in intestinal bacteria. When stop the antibiotic that causes symptoms will abate less and gone in 2-3 days. In case of severe symptoms, patients with diarrhea, abdominal cramps, Pressing pain in abdomen and bloody stools year out. Some may have fever before diarrhea. It also found that some patients with diarrhea symptoms after stopping the antibiotics already.

Unknown and can not find a single cause, scientists believe there are several factors that contribute to the symptoms found in people with this disease. Colorectal be more sensitive than usual to the various substances and stress (stress for the body to be changed, such as the intestine, heart, pulse, too). Some believe cuase from mechanisms to prevent and kill bacteria in the gut.

The theory is as follows

The contraction of the colon stop motion and intermittent compression. To diarrhea It is believed that the movement of food waste with water faster than the colon absorbs water back. While some people have the slow movement of food waste, constipation is caused due to rehydration more. Gut reaction than normal.
Some research that pointed to some diseases that are hidden, such as celiac disease, this disease is caused by undigest substance called gluten contained in wheat, barley and oats.

IBS is untreatable diseases cured. Current treatment using the combination of biology, psychological and social factors.

If constipation is a symptom, it's notable to add foods rich in fiber. Laxatives may increase if still have constipation.
If diarrhea is a prominent symptom. You have to take care of the food that is causing diarrhea or not. For example, some people are allergic to cow's milk because of digestive enzymes is to avoid drinking cow's milk. Sugar sorbitol is present in the gum can cause diarrhea.
Reduce symptoms such as diarrhea. Diphenoxylate or Loperamide or by some may require antidepressant group TCA.
If you have abdominal pain, bloating. Should revise food or usage of abdominal pain drug such as Hyosciamine and avoid foods that provide gas, such as beans.

Some doctors do not favor the use of laxatives. Enough sleep And regular exercise can make the intestines work better. Avoid foods that are causing symptoms such as recurrent food rich in fat, foods cause gas, fructose, sorbitol, candy, bit of grain, gluten, milk and food allergies.

Studies have suggested that the use of Probiotic be useful in patients with inflammatory bowel which may be found in people with irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps to treat irritable bowel syndrome such as to reduce the symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain including to help reduce bowel movements. Moreover, can help treat diarrhea in patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome as well.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Probiotic for Adult VS Constipation

Constipation means bowel movement difficulty. This is often accompanied by a hard stool. The new food waste moves through the colon are also quite liquid and water in it. Large intestine absorbs water and certain substances to enter the body and cause dry stool is shaped as cubes or more. If the stool stays in the colon long or body dehydration, water will be sucked back into the colon. Make the stools more harder.

There are many reasons, such as defecation habits, lack of exercise or movement such as a seat on the working day and the patient lies on a bed for a long time, eating or taking certain medications that reduce bowel movements. Lack of certain hormones ( such as testosterone , thyroid gland ), and dehydration.

Eat a lot of fiber include fruits and vegetables, which will solve the problem and constipation. Also effective in reducing the chance of colorectal cancer. And help control diabetes With high blood cholesterol, regular exercise, drinking enough water. Practice the habit of taking a liberal if there are signs of defecation should be taken immediately. By the time stool do not read or do anything other.
For a toilet flushing, the sitting position should curve slightly to the front in order to have greater flex strength. If necessary consider using a laxative is the last choice, it should not take a long time to treat constipation. You must find out why and fix them on the root cause. For immediate treatment, we can eat foods that have a lot of fiber or take laxative or use anal suppository for laxative.
Do not take laxatives regularly due to the chronic bowel stimulant easily. The need to eat regularly and may need to increase the size of the dose . If necessary, use anal suppository for laxative is better. Vegetables and fruits contain fiber and is popularly known such as plum, orange, papaya, kale,bok choy, spinach, brown rice, etc. In addition to increasing high fiber food intake. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water to get into the fiber work better.
Coupled with regular exercise in order to have a bowel movement and can drive out waste from the body easier. it is important to try to train yourself to pass the time. It is morning or evening time. The intestines can be used to pass the time.

Eat a lot of fiber include fruits and vegetables, which will solve the problem and constipation. Train yourself to defecate on the morning or evening time everyday. Exercise regularly especially abdominal muscles.
In patients with chronic constipation. There is evidence of a clinical trial found that the use of probiotic will help balance gut. Makes stool soft because of probiotic. Probiotic is not a laxative. After take probiotic, we can see the stool soft and easier. When eating at least 2-3 times a day for about 5-7 days and should be continued. It can be scaled down to one a day when symptoms are better.

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

The benefit of Lactococcus Lactis

Able to live in high pH environment. The benefits of this bacteria are shown below.
1. Product the key enzymes in the digestive process.
2. Protect the lining of the digestive tract.
3. Inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi.
4. Inhibit pathogenic bacteria by producing bacteriocin that mean peptides or proteins synthesized by ribosomes. And has the effect of inhibiting bacteria such as Staphyococcus aureus Salmonella and E. coli, etc.

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Monday, May 2, 2016

The benefit of Bifidobacterium Longum

The type of bacteria can be found in the intestines of people. There are several benefits to the gastrointestinal tract as follows.
1. Balance relieve constipation and diarrhea.
2. Solve problems about the digestive lactose in milk.
3. Protect the lining of the digestive tract.
4. Inhibit the production of toxins from the bacteria Escherichia coli O157: H7.
5. Prevent allergies in children.
6. To stimulate the immune system.
7. Prevent cancer.

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