Probiotic for Adult VS Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a bowel movement into a liquid mixed with water. Children defecate into the water 6-8 times a day, it means that the diarrhea. But sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether or not the baby has diarrhea. Because a child's stool will look normal liquid. If children defecate more often than usual. The suspect may have diarrhea. The definition of the World Health Organization for diarrhea or acute diarrhea refers to defecate as liquid or water rather than the usual three or watery one time or has a bloody stool in the first. This is the case as diarrhea. It is to be treated properly. However, the definition of diarrhea, as indicated by the number of defecation may vary from this in some patients. Depending on the nature and frequency of bowel movements in a normal individual. Children who are breastfed may defecate frequently liquid, which is considered normal. But if a lot of water and defecate frequent than ever that the definition is diarrhea. The appearance that feces there will be plenty of water and is more commonly available components. So, The most worry when we have diarrhea is the body lacks water and minerals.
Diarrhea is divided into three categories
The first type is diarrhea due to poisoning from bacteria.
The second type is diarrhea due to infection.
The last type of diarrhea, including diarrhea, which is not commonly associated with infection by bacteria or toxins.
If diarrhea due to poisoning from bacteria. Usually caused by eating food contaminated with the toxin from the bacteria. Patients often have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after eating about 2-4 hours that have already eaten soon. But usually no fever for diarrhea due to infection that patients have nausea, vomiting or fever with diarrhea, which is a characteristic of the stool from diarrhea is generally taken as mucus or bloody mucus. Some stools are like washing rice and take a shot. Some may take the unusual smell like stink like rotten shrimp heads, etc. But if you are just watery diarrhea. No symptoms of diarrhea, as discussed in the first two categories, it will be normal diarrhea.
Diarrhea in infants and older children may have been caused by rotavirus infection (Rotavirus) that causes diarrhea in children. Diarrhea is caused by a virus. May be caused by the flu. Later moving into the gastrointestinal tract it is cold in the stomach and intestine. This makes the work of the digestive system can not digest food as normal. Therefore vomiting and diarrhea.
In the first 4-6 hours may purchase ORS products from drug stores to try to eat before. Or it can be prepared at home. Use 2 tablespoons of sugar, 12 teaspoons salt refill water bottles, one round of treatment is important and necessary to get water and mineral replacement. During diarrhea should eat soft or liquid foods such as rice porridge and should not stop to eat because it makes the body fatigue and weakness.
If there are a little diarrhea, after drinking ORS water, then the patient will feel better. If cannot drink ORS and still have a high fever, vomiting thick crown dent. In children with sunken eyes, wheezing less urine because severe dehydration. We should take the kids to the doctor as soon as possible. Because patients may shock and death. The drugs for stop defecate such as diphenoxylate, loperamide is only available for common diarrhea. Do not use in patients with suspected diarrhea due to infection or poisoning from bacteria. The drug help intestinal peristalsis and less frequency of defecation. Patients may think fared better but the fact that infection from bacteria or toxins in the body longer, thus making slow recovery from diarrhea. So if you suspect an infection, diarrhea, infection or poisoning. Ask your doctor or pharmacist in order to receive antibiotics or medicines to absorb the toxins.
If small children or the elderly has the diarrhea and has initial treatment but the symptoms do not improve. Should go to see a doctor immediately and if the patient is still conscious should drink ORS water on the way to prevent the occurrence of severe dehydration and may be fatal. Should not drink water containing juice or a sweet drink. It will make the diarrhea worse.
The recommended dietary intake should be a mixture of boiled beans, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, whole grains, bananas or boiled. Introduces children to consume smaller meals is better than a big meal.
Probiotic found to play a role in the treatment of diarrhea. You can reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea caused by food poisoning and very good results in diarrhea caused by rotavirus. Moreover probiotic can also help prevent and treat diarrhea in travelers (travelers diarrhea) as well.
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